The Clyde N. Day foundation was among those honored to participate in a ceremonial groundbreaking for the Northern Kentucky Scholar House on Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2014 in Newport, KY.
Our excitement in assisting the dream of the Brighton Center leadership to pursue the establishment of Scholar House was matched by other foundations in the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati region that participated in making opportunity a reality.
Scholar House is a statewide housing and education initiative that enables the head-of-household to reach self-sufficiency based on proven best practices and a comprehensive, two-generation approach. The housing and education components are operated jointly with each reinforcing the other. Among the eligibility criteria is the requirement that the adult caregiver in the household be enrolled full-time in a two or four-year post-secondary degree program.
The Northern Kentucky Scholar House will be located at 450 West Sixth St. in Newport adjacent to the existing Marguerite Robinson Community Center. The project location is the square city block between Sixth, Seventh, Patterson and Brighton Streets. Michael E. Keating
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